To backup Samsung Notes selectively to Google Drive, you need to utilize Google Keep.

You don't always want to transfer all the Samsung Notes to your Google Drive. Part 2: Backup Samsung Notes Selectively to Google Drive You will get a wakeup message indicating that your Samsung Notes information has been securely backed up to Google Drive after the process is complete. Then you may choose which account you want to use and which folder you want to use to store your Samsung Notes. Step 4: After that, a new pop-up screen will open, from which you may choose Save to Drive. files (.SDOC) near the bottom of the screen. Step 3: After that, a little menu box with the title Share as will appear, from which you should pick Samsung Notes. Step 2: Then, click on the Share button at the bottom of the screen. Step 1: To migrate notes to Google Drive, open Samsung Notes on your smartphone and select all of the notes you wish to move. To create Samsung notes backup to Google Drive, follow these steps:
Do you want to know how to back up your Samsung Notes to Google Drive? Read on.

Although no cross-platform compatibility exists, the Samsung Notes data will be lost if your device is forced to shut down unexpectedly. Many Samsung customers will utilize the Samsung Notes app to jot down crucial points for them, such as critical points from a meeting, travel planning, lists of timetables, and so on. Part1: Backup Samsung Notes to Google Drive Part 3: Backup All Important Samsung Data with MobileTrans